"Google remains a search engine. And its search pages, blue hyperlinks set against a bland, white background, have made it the most visited, most profitable and arguably the most powerful company on the Internet. Google is the homework helper, navigator and yellow pages for half a billion users, able to find the most improbable needles in the world’s largest haystack of information in just the blink of an eye."This quote is taken from the NY Times article "Google Keeps Tweaking It's Search Engine".
This article touches on the fact the Google is the number one search engine yet often you are able to search something and not find it. The article also explains how they built a system able to not only give you what you ask for but to understand what you need , being that people sometimes spell words wrong, or mean one thing but say anothe. Overall Google is never complete. Google's engineers are steadly searching for new ways to improve the site as well as make it better.