Monday, October 22, 2007

European Commission Examining Double Click Proposal

For those of you who don't know Google Inc. has made a 3.1 billion bid for online ad tracker Double Click to review proposals meant to eliminate antitrust and monopoly concerns. Google lawyer Julia Holtz said in a statement that "We believe that the deal is good for publishers, advertisers, and users — and we trust that the Commission will reach the same conclusion and clear the transaction," she said. "Today's advertising market is highly competitive and innovative, and it is evolving very quickly." This information comes to me courtesy of the Associated press. The commission will take till Nov 13th to either OK the deal or set up an in depth probe that could take up to several months to complete. several of Google's key rivals including Yahoo Inc. and Microsoft Corp. believe that the deal will damage competition i n the lucrative advertising market. for those of you who are unfamiliar with the New York-based Double Click, it helps its customers place and track online advertising, including search ads.It puts ads on the web that target specific users and generate lots of revenue for companies like GOOGLE INC.
I think that such a deal would in fact damage competition between the Internet Powers, however if the commission rules in favor of Google it would be a great victory for the company. For more specifics of the proposed bid , click the following link. WHY WE'RE BUYING DOUBLE CLICK